Wednesday, April 29, 2020

NITI AAYOG - The Planning Commission of India



NITI AAYOG (National Institution for Transforming India) serves as a think tank to Government of India. Formed on 1st January 2015 replacing the Planning Commission. It is one of the youngest democracy's institution.
The council works towards fostering cooperative federalism for providing a national agenda to the Center and the individual States.

Think Tank to Government of India:

  •  NITI Aayog = more a “think tank” than a finance distributing agency.
  • The council will provide Governments at the central and state levels with relevant strategic and technical advice for key elements of the policy.
  • It is creating innovation and entrepreneurship support system thorough national and international collaborative community.
  • NITI Aayog develops those mechanisms which formulate credible plans.
  • NITI Aayog is planned as a think tank institution which stands not only as a knowledge hub but also for good governance.
  • A statutory body for monitoring and implementation of all government policies by bringing together various ministries at the centre and state level.

think tank of India

NITI Aayog made serious efforts for Transforming India’s developmental agenda. As the Indian economy rapidly integrated with the global economy contradictions arose between central planning and increasing private capital flows.

NITI Aayog Replaced planning commission:

Prior to NITI Aayog, The Planning Commission was established in March 1950 by the Indian Government resolution with Prime Minister as Chairperson. Initially started with an aim to establish heavy industries through public investment as a means for achieving rapid industrialization. The commission from 1950 to 2014 formulated twelve 5 years plans. 
The functions of the planning commission were:
  • Access and allocate planned resources.
  • Formulation of plans and programs for area development.
  • Determining the methodology for implementation.
  • Appraising and adjusting resource implementation.

NITI Aayog formed

An evaluation by the government revealed that a new institutional framework was needed.
Planning Commission was witnessing policy fatigue necessitating structural changes needed to be made. The assessment also told about the collapse of public investment. Afterwards, the Prime Minister announced the closure of the Planning Commission on August 15, 2014. This gave rise to The NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India) on Jan. 1, 2015, as a replacement for the Planning Commission.


present compositionChairperson

Shri Narendra Modi, Hon'ble Prime Minister


Dr Rajiv Kumar

Full-Time Members

Shri V.K. Saraswat
Prof. Ramesh Chand
Dr V. K. Paul

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Why Do Startups Fails - Analysing why majority of startups fails

Thousands of new businesses start every year. Few businesses grow up so early while others are still struggling to cover its cover. If you are going to do business, then you should take care of these reasons, due to which great business fails.

why startups fails

Why do these great businesses fail?
After scrolling down on the internet, searching in various newspapers and seeking information from other sources. Analyses that due to some common reasons few business shutdowns within 1 to 2 years, few within 5 years and rest in the initial 15 years.
Before you start your business,  you must have a look at below-stated reasons :

1. Lack of Experience :

Taking about those successful businessmen, We came to know that they too had failed in their early days and after experiencing it, they had achieved a lot of success in their business.

Lack of experience is one of the biggest reason for the failure of startups. If you are freshers in the industry then before setting up your own company, Get to know about the if and but, In and out, reviews and experiences. On this basis, you will get to know what to do and reason why businesses fail. You have to do research on the business you are going to start.

lack of experience

2. Lack of Planning:

When you're not aware of how to do planning related to your business? How to manage a production unit? How does marketing affect sales?  What about branding and advertising and who gonna manage all these ? Where to allocate resources? How to promote the product?

Plans fails

Planning not always mean financial planning! Sometimes choosing the right product has also a great significance. According to the product,  Deciding who will be your consumer, from which place, from which income group he belongs to. This is needed to be indemnified and that's necessary too.

3. Lack of Management or Mismanagement:

Many times we choose a product along with this product we choose the right marketing strategy and we know well how to deliver our product to the right consumer. But to manage all these the staff we had hired is not capable enough.  Here a selection of responsible and determinant workforce is a responsibility to the management team. A manager is the leader of an organization should how to manage his team to increase their productivity. The success of a great organization depends on its capable workforce.

lack of proper management

4. Location:

If you are setting up your business at a location which is appropriate for this then with lots of advertisement, walk-in and with information huge customers can be attracted easily. This not only subjects to Offline businesses but for the online businesses too.

Inappropriate location

5. Starting a Business with the wrong Intention :

Is profit-making is only the sole objective of your business? Earning profit could be a secondary objective for a business concern.  Primary objective though plays a very significant role in the growth of any business. Performing social responsibility and managing business with ethics may benefit all business in the long run. If your business fulfilling those needs of consumers which benefits society as a whole. If your business provides those services who is benefiting any community collectively. If this is the motive behind your business then your business will go much further. Before starting your business your mission and vision should be clear. This may lead a rapid development in business, network, team, staff and the brand.

intention of management

6. Cash Flow Management:

Many businesses have collapsed as they failed to manage their cash inflow and cash outflow. They failed to manage their finance. The owner should know the regular capital need of the business,  liquidity position of the business,  cash reserve needed to maintain, amount of revenue generated and expenditure to be done. Analyzing the break-even point of production and act accordingly.

Miss-management of cash

7. Over Expansion:

When a business starts giving you a good profit, An entrepreneur may think this is the right time to expand the business. In greed of expansion, the extra profit generated is reinvested. But after a point of time, It's often experienced that the rate of expansion is lower than the money generation rate. This in turns the miss-match of cash flow and businesses starts collapsing.
Therefore the rate of expansion and rate of generating profit should go hand in hand.
When money is reinvested examining the cash flow with limitations of expansion. This may guarantee success for sure.

Over expansion may lead mismanagement

Friday, April 24, 2020

Ramadan 2020 - A holy month of Islamic Calendar


Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar of the Muslim community. Muslim religion considers this a holy month. According to the belief of Muslims, on the 24th night of this month, 'Shab-e-Qadr' had the 'Nuzul' (descent) of the Quran. Reading the Quran this month is considered auspicious. Quran is recited throughout the month in the prayers of Taraweeh. Those who don't read the Quran gets a chance to hear the Quran. The month of Ramadan is sometimes 29 days or 30 days. During this month Muslim people fast throughout the day, Whatever they eat before Sunrise is called 'Sahri'. During the day they don't even Drink Water. After Sunset, Whatever they eat called 'Iftari'.

Introduction of Ramadan

History of Ramadan

As per the Islamic Calendar, In the year of Hijri on the order of God (Allah), Roja's meant compulsion. This month is called 'Shab-e-Kadar'. It is believed that on this day God (Allah) conferred his Quran with "Quran Sharif". Therefore, this month is considered sacred and fasting is done for God (Allah), which is performed by the eldest member of the Muslim family with full devotion

History of Ramadan

Importance of Ramadan

Ramadan is celebrated to arouse love and faith in God (Allah). Religious rituals kill social evils of the Society. Here holds the Great charity significance, which is called Zakat. It is necessary to do zakat for the poor. Also, Fitri is offered on Eid, which is also a kind of charity. This was the importance of Ramadan.

The glow of Ramadan is soon seen in Muslim society. The whole society celebrates unitedly. According to the religion of Islam, Muslim means "Muslim-e-Iman", which reinforces its faith. For which they have to fulfil certain rules with time only then they are called Muslims in real sense.

Believing in the existence of God (Allah), reciting Namaz, fasting, performing Hajj and zakat. After fulfilling all these responsibilities, according to Islam, the person is called a real Muslim. Ramadan is also called the month of Barkati. It brings happiness and wealth. Along with this, the Spirit of unity raise and mutual hostility is reduced.

Importance of Ramadhan

Characteristics of Ramadan month

  • Fast for a month
  • Pray at night
  • Namaz is performed at night
  • People pray to God (Allah).
  • Muslims during Ramadan, donate alms to the poor and feed the hungry ones.
  • Thanking God (Allah), they celebrate Eid ul-Fitr on the first date of Shawwal after the passage of this period.

Characteristics of Ramadan

Ramadan Dates

Starting Date: 24th April 2020
Ending Date: 23rd May 2020 

Ramadan Dates

Thursday, April 23, 2020

बरमूडा ट्रायंगल का रहस्य

200 सालो से बरमूडा ट्रैंगल एक मिस्ट्री है यहां से गुजरने वाले ना जाने कितने विमान और जहाज गायब हो चुके हैं।इसक करण इसे शैतानी त्रिभुज भी बोला गया है।असल नक़्शे में बरमूडा नामक किसी ट्रायंगल का कोई पता नहीं है। ये  एक  इमेजिनरी ट्रायंगल है।बरमूडा ट्रायंगल नार्थ वेस्ट अटलांटिक महासागर का हिस्सा है। इस ट्रायंगल के तीनो कोने बरमूडा,मियामी और संजुआन (पुरेटो रीको) है। 440000 माइल्स में फैला हुआ यह ट्रायंगल हमेशा से ही सुर्ख़ियों में रहा है।


अमेरिकी जहाज साइक्लोप्स पहली बार 1918 में गायब हो गया था। 1963 में सी सल्फर क्वीन वन नामक एक जहाज लापता हो गया है और 1872 में मैरी नामक एक जहाज भी गायब हो गया जिसका कोई पता नहीं चला। इसके बाद भी कई भयानक दुर्घटनाएँ हुईं।19 दिसंबर 1945 को फ्लाइट -19 के पांच विमान टीपीएस बम गिराने वाले लापता हो गए। इन पांच अभियानों में अमेरिकी नौसेना के 14 पायलट थे।
इनका कंट्रोल रूम से संपर्क टूट गया और कुछ पता नहीं चला ।दुनिया को 16 सितंबर 1950 को एक अमेरिकी अखबार के विज्ञापन से बरमूडा ट्रिंगल के बारे में पता चला।इसके दो साल बाद अमेरिकी पत्रिका ने फ्लाइट-19 के लापता होने की खबर प्रकाशित की। इसके बाद से दुनिया  बरमूडा ट्रायंगल की गुथी सुलझाने मे लग गयी।अक्सर इस इलाके में कप्म्पस बंद हो जाने की वजह से दर्जनो विमान और जहाज रास्ता भटक गए और कभी नहीं लौटे।

  1.  कुछ लोगो का मानना है यह शैतानी ताकतों का वास है इसलिए यह भूतिया ट्रायंगल है
  2.  तो कोइ आपनी हेक्सालोनल क्लोड्स का सिद्धांत देता है।
  3. कुछ सिद्धांत के हिसाब से इस इलाके म मीथेन हाइड्रेट की बहुत्तम है यह गैस विमानो और जहाजों के टुकड़े करने की क्षमता रखती है
  4.  इस इलाके म शक्तिशाली समुंद्री तूफान आते रहते है जिसे जहाजो क डुबने का जिमेवार माना गया है
  5.   हालांकि कुछ लोगो का मानना है ट्रायंगल की सतह पर एक विशाल  विशाल पिरामिड है जिसकी तरंगे बड़े से बड़े विमानों और जहाजों को अपनी चपेट में ले लेती है
  6.  कुछ साइंटिस्ट्स का कहना है कि इस इलाके में एलियन्स का कण्ट्रोल है वह इस जगह से धरती से संपर्क जोड़ते है
  7.  कुछ सिद्धांत यह भी है कि इस ट्रायंगल के निचे अतलांटिक्स शहर हुआ करता थाजिस्की रिहसमाई क्रिस्टल से उरजा की तरंगे निकलती है।जिससे जब भी कोई जहाज या विमान इन तरंगो के  संपर्क में आते है तो वह बर्बाद हो जाते है
  8. इस क्षेत्र में तेज हवाओं के साथ बिजली गिरती है।जो विद्युत चुम्बकीय क्षेत्र बनाता है।यहां पहुंचने पर, कोई भी जहाज या विमान अपना संपर्क खो देता है।इस क्षेत्र में आते हैं, सभी उपकरण बंद हो जाते हैं।
  9.  या यह मानवीय दोष हो सकता है जो इन दुर्घटनाओं के लिए जिम्मेदार है। पायलट द्वारा ठीक से प्रशिक्षित नहीं होने के कारण ऐसी दुर्घटनाएं आमतौर पर होती हैं। 


बरमूडा ट्रायंगल पर बहुत अध्ययन के बाद, अब वैज्ञानिकों ने इसके चारों ओर के मौसम को जिम्मेदार ठहराया है।इस अध्ययन में ऐसी कई बातें पता चलीं। जिसके कारण वैज्ञानिक रहस्य को सुलझाने का दावा करते हैं।विज्ञान चैनल "पृथ्वी पर क्या है"पर प्रकशित रिपोर्ट में  दावा किया गया हैसभी घटनाओं के लिए अजीब बादलों की उपस्थिति जिम्मेदार है।इन बादलों को हेक्सागोनल बादल कहा जाता है।जिसके पास हवा में बम विस्फोट करने की क्षमता है।इतना ही नहीं, यह हवाएं 170 मिली प्रति घंटे की रफ्तार से चलती हैं।यह  हवाएँ और बादल पानी और हवा में धाराओं और विमानों को इंगित करते हैंऔर उन्हें नष्ट कर देता है।वैज्ञानिकों का मानना ​​है कि यह तेज हवाएं इन बादलों की जन्म देती हैं।इस अजीब दिखने वाले बादलों की सीमा कम से कम 45 फीट है। उनके आकार के कारण, उन्हें हेक्सागोनल बादल कहा जाता है।अमेरिकी अंतरिक्ष एजेंसी (नासा) सैटलाइट द्वारा ली गई बादलो की कुछ तस्वीरें इसकी पुष्टि करती हैं।जिससे अब यह कहा जा सकता है।बरबुडा ट्रायंगल का रहस्य अब सुलझ गया है।

Monday, April 6, 2020

Coronavirus (Covid-19) is Good or Bad?

Even today the same thing is going on all over the world. "Coronavirus".
What do you think? Is Coronavirus good or bad?

Firstly, I will tell you about some positive aspects of Coronavirus. Friends, don't you think Coronavirus is good! Since this Coronovirus started, It has united all of us. In the society everyone is caring about the other person, now people are following the words of the Prime Minister. Today at the behest of Prime minister, entire countryman has lit lamps and candles outside the house. And not only that there are some other good things behind the overall lockdown. We had started giving time to our family. At this time, we are fulfilling our hobbies which we had thought of. In cities of countries where pollution and water used to be contaminated, today all that has been cleared and those people who used to have non-veg meals are now also enjoying pure vegetarian food.

These were some good things. Now I will talk about some bad things. As you know, Coronavirus is a pandemic. Today this virus has engulfed millions of our society. Due to which more than fifty thousand people have died. This lead to that situation where Poor families have been brought homeless and hungry. Not only this, but the global economy is also moving towards recession and the situation is going to be worst in the coming days. Friends, If we conclude this or that, it is like a nightmare which none of us would ever want to live again.

Aviation Industry and Subtlety For Business Success

Why great businesses are sinking today!!!!.....

Aviation industries in India is an under-penetrated industry. Despite this, many of Indian airline companies were shut down. Today we will talk about those reasons due to which the aviation industry is sinking fast in a country like India. We would be comparing Indian Airline's Company with Airlines of another country. Let's take an example of the US whose population is only 32 crores. They are having 7309 aircraft's, Including DELTA and American Airlines. Whereas, Country like India whose population is 132 crore. We are having 565 commercial aircraft's. Friends being an interpenetrated industry Even though there are many possibilities of growth. Such a company is closing in the country. I am going to tell you a few things which you would not find in media, newspaper, nor any employee of the company knows.

These mistakes are of the CEO level, or by the director or of the management.
Because of which a company drowns due to loss-making. You also find this may lead to merger, acquisition or joint venture to save a sinking company.

Let's know the reason why these companies drown.

1. The wrong intention of leadership
In the case of Jet Airways,  The CEO of the company has centralized all the rights in his hands.

2. Will full mismanagement for personal motive.

3. Price Sensitive Market-  India is a price-sensitive market from last 5 yrs. Whereas, most companies are full-service airlines. Today only those companies in India can lead who gives the lowest price in the market. Those who are willing to work with low cost in the Price Competitive market.  IndiGo, SpiceJet and Air Asia are one of those.
These companies have converted luxury into a necessity. They had acquired the market share with price war strategy.

 4. Government Policies whether favourable or unfavourable for similar industries.

If you own a profit-making company or

want to become a good profit-making company in future, then consider things in mind.
I'll tell you some points that needed to be considered in your business and you would be achieving great success.
✓Ignoring personal motive, Work on the company's vision and the company's mission. 
How the company can make a good profit? How the company can grow?
How can the company increase its sales? How can cost-cutting happen? 
In this way, The company goes towards expansion.
✓Manage your business as per the market trend. Adapt to the changing environment.
✓Upgrade your policies as per consumer behaviour.
✓Design your policies as per the rules and regulations of the government.

At last, I would insist.....
Do not look for personal benefit and work in the company's favour.
Work for their employees, Work for their growth, Work for their success. Only then you would become a missionary and a visionary person to your company; Can be ranked in India's top company.